– adopted by the Pro-vita Orthodox Organizations Federation in Romania* –
1. A human being is any living human organism, with rational soul, even if its manifestation is not visible (embryonic stage) or it can no longer be seen (i.e. coma, agony) by the others (the human attribute is established by genetic constitution; the quality of being a living organism, by integrated autonomous somatic functions).
2. Subsequently, the beginning of the existence of human beings coincides with the beginning stage of its organism, more specifically, with its conceiving, while the biological death of human beings coincides with the end of its organism’s existence (perceptible due to the cease of integrated somatic functions).
3. In the virtue of God’s love for each and every being, which He created as a complete copy of Himself and of His soul, such is a person, by its nature, and not by its will or by the others’ will, although the achievement of vocation God has given to it (the coming to God) depends essentially on its will, as well.
4. The parental vocation constitutes the gift of collaborating with God – the Creator of all that is and is not seen – for the bringing into the world of a human creature (procreation) and for educating it to reach eternal life, in other words, for making the human nature pleroma and for making the Divine Kingdom of Heavens.
5. Sexuality is a trait of the human being, created by God, which expresses at the same time and mutually, the unity, the otherness and the interdependence of creating human beings: the same humanity subsists between man and woman and by their union, humanity ec-zists (it updates this life).
6. The family made of a heterosexual and monogamous couple is the work to which God calls human beings, in order to achieve the origin of human nature, of unity, of otherness and of the human beings’ interdependency.
7. To this end, the family based on heterosexual and monogamous marriage is the only actual place where sexual love expresses itself and the only actual place of procreation.
8. God’s intention was that procreation is a fruit of conjugal love, and the availability in the procreative intervention God has in the conjugal sexual act, represents a criterion for the authenticity of conjugal love.
9. Every human being, irrespective of how it came into the world, owes its existence to an express will and to a certain specific work of God in relation to it (procreation is not only a biological act).
10. By the birth of a human being, God not only blesses the parents, but, to different extents, the entire community such family belongs to (the large family, the parish, the locality, the diocese, the nation, the country and even the entire humanity); subsequently, all such communities have their own responsibilities towards life and towards the quality, both material and spiritual, of this person’s life.
11. The main responsibility in relation to life of and to the quality of this person’s life belongs to parents; the society and the ecclesial community have the responsibility to morally and materially support such parental responsibility, and if it cannot be exerted, to substitute it.
12. Medical care upon procreation may be moral only to the extent in which it does not hurt the conjugal love and if it does not attempt at other human beings’ lives (necessary conditions, not necessarily sufficient).
13. Medical care of an agonizing person may be moral only if it does not intentionally lead to death (necessary condition, not necessarily sufficient).
14. Killing a human being, irrespective of how exonerated its existence is of physical and moral pain (by precarious material and/or spiritual conditions), is immoral (death sin).
15. Suicide is immoral (death sin), but self-sacrifice, even with the risk of dieing, is not suicide, as it does not have as purpose self death.
* The Pro-Vita Orthodox Organizations Federation in Romania was established in 2006 to conjugate the efforts of all the christian-orthodox prolife organizations in Romania, with the purpose of defending and promoting the Christian Orthodox teachings regarding life and family.