Candidații independenți din România la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European Petre Costea și Victor Ciumac au semnat documentul promovat de PRO VITA București și intitulat „Promisiune pentru Europa”. Inițiat de Fundația italiană „Novae Terrae” și alte ONG-uri pro-familie din Europa printre care și PRO VITA București, „Promisiune pentru Europa” se adresează oamenilor politici candidați la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European din acest an, din toate țările Uniunii. Prin semnătura lor de aderare, candidații promit ca, dacă sunt aleși, să promoveze valorile familiei, demnitatea umană, dreptul la viață, libertatea religioasă și a conștiinței precum și dreptul părinților de a decide felul de educație ce li se va da copiilor lor.
Reset Europe!
I PLEDGE to stand up for and actively promote HUMAN RIGHTS in Europe as a member of the European Parliament, including Human Dignity, Human Right to Life, the promotion of Family, freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, Social Justice as well as the Right of Parents to educate their children.
I make this PLEDGE by supporting the following actions:
1) Promote Right to Life: To adopt an EU Road Map for the ‘One of Us’ initiative, to protect Human Dignity with a comprehensive action plan and the Right to Life from conception to natural death.
2) Improve Right of Family: To adopt and enforce an EU Road Map founded on Rights of Family, as the legal union between a man and a woman, with an inherent openness to life; to equip the EU with a comprehensive action plan and ‘family friendly’ policies, which particularly support young couples and large families.
3) Esteem Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion: To respect and promote freedom of acting according to individual conscience.
4) Respect Personal Freedom: To respect and recognize the Principle of Subsidiarity as a fundamental principle in the Anti-discrimination standards; to actively work respecting the autonomy and historical and religious roots of member states.
5) Protect Parents’ Rights: To protect the Rights of Parents on every educational issue. To ensure the role of the European Union to respect and promote the right of parents to educate their children according to their moral and religious values in all youth and education programs.
6) Provide Healthcare for Everyone: To tackle discrimination and inequality in healthcare. To develop palliative care and to respect the right to conscientious objection among doctors and healthcare providers.
7) Combat Religious Persecution and Discrimination: To combat religious persecution and discrimination inside and outside the EU and to develop appropriate asylum policies to ensure effective protection for victims of religious persecutions.
8) Tackle Poverty and Social Exclusion: To combat poverty introducing actions aimed to help all people affected by poverty. To ensure the concrete right to protection against poverty and social exclusion. To promote investments in human capital, business capital and infrastructure particularly in poor areas.
9) Provide Opportunities for Young People: To recognize the value of youth as a key asset for Europe. Young people should have the opportunity to participate in decision making, democratic processes and the shaping of a more cohesive, prosperous and just society. To focus on youth strategies and action plans for better integration of young people into society through active citizenship, social dialogue and employment opportunities.
10) Support Civil Society: The EU must provide an adequate legal framework for social subjects to freely engage in their different activities and it must be ready to take action when necessary respecting the principle of subsidiarity. The activities of civil society (third sector) represent the most appropriate way to develop the social dimension of the person, who finds in these activities the right space to express himself/herself.
Lista completă a semnatarilor și promotorilor Apelului [pdf]