„Motherhood is the best gift” is the name of this year’s Manifesto by „Women of the World Platform”, that was launched today, on the occasion of Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in May in many parts of the world. In Romania, Mother’s Day is celebrated in the first Sunday of May.
The Manifesto will be presented at the European Parliament within the events of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Also, it will be sent to members of national Goverments by the signatories. PRO VITA Bucharest will do its part by sending the Manifesto to the Romanian Govt.
Women of the World, is a global platform of entities that work together to regain for women their full identity, their role as women in their own families, in society and the labour market, and to give motherhood back its value and dignity. PRO VITA Bucharest is a member of the platform, togheter with a large number of worldwide organizations, helping to become the voice of the women who speak in terms of women.
Women of the World Platform and the undersigning entities declare that:
1.- Motherhood is the best gift not only for a woman and her family but for the whole society that should rejoice with motherhood, respect it, support it and celebrate it. Motherhood is a social good that must be protected.
2.- Motherhood is a plus in the personal and professional development of women.
3.- Attachment parenting strengthens the relationship between mother and child, helping the emotional stability of both. The exclusive dedication – temporary or permanent – to the family, favors the development of the children and the family stability so necessary for a prosperous society, and cannot continue to be undervalued.
4.- Motherhood should always be a source of joy for the family, even in adverse circumstances, and for this it should have the necessary social and political support.
„Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance”
(United Nations General Assembly, 1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights (217A [III], Article 25[2])
Motherhood is the best gift and it should be so for all women throughout the world and in all circumstances. It is therefore necessary to provide the social, economic and political means to ensure that
- Motherhood is not a reason for employment discrimination.
- Motherhood and dedication to the family does not imply discrimination or loss of social recognition.
- It is not a reason for illness or death.
- It does not entail a hindrance in professional life or a reduction in salary, if it is not due to a choice to reduce the working day.
- Is not forced or a reason for effective loss of freedom within the family environment.
- Is not the object of hire or purchase.
The Women of the World Platform and the undersigned entities consider that in order to achieve these objectives, the Geneva Consensus Declaration (2020) is a correct roadmap for all societies respectful of women, their dignity, their identity, their development and health.
We therefore call on all countries that have not yet done so to join this Declaration, which has already been signed by 35 nations around the world.