PRO VITA București a remis astăzi, împreună cu alte peste 200 de organizații de drepturile omului din întreaga lume, eurodeputaților solicitarea de a susține o declarație a unui grup de membri ai PE care cheamă comunitatea internațională să acționeze și să își asume responsabilitatea pentru actele criminale comise de guvernul chinez. De mai bine de 15 ani, regimul de la Beijing recoltează ilegal organe pentru trafic, de la deținuți politici și de conștiință și de la membri ai unor minorități etnice și religioase.
Solicitarea poate fi citită aici sau mai jos.
To: Members of the European Parliament
Dear Honorable Member of the European Parliament,
Currently in People’s Republic of China is taking place a horrifying crime against humanity, unseen in human history: the systematic, state-sanctioned organ harvesting from non-consenting prisoners of conscience in the People’s Republic of China, including from large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups.
Despite consistent outcries from concerned people and governments worldwide, these criminal acts have persisted for more than 15 years.
Organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience in China is a very severe violation of human rights and the international community has responsibility to take action to stop these inhuman crimes against humanity.
European Parliament and European Union can help their own citizens, as well as Chinese people, as however eager one is to get matched organs by traveling to China, they shouldn’t become accomplices in crimes.
The written declaration 0048/2016 who reiterate the European Parliament Resolution on Organ Harvesting in China (P7_TA(2013)0603) from 12.12.2013, it is a strong signal against this crime, and a step further to stop organ harvesting by setting up an independent investigation.
If we remain silent, we will suffer the consequences of profound regret, knowing that our actions could have saved tens of thousands of lives. Any signals can support China to proceed into the correct direction of history
You urge you to call for an immediate end of this unethical practice in China and support Written Declaration 0048/2016 with your signature in the European Parliament.
We support:
the European Parliament Written Declaration 0048/2016 on Organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience in China